Amp It Up


Tags: management book-notes

Great book by the star CEO of Snowflake.

Amp It Up by Frank Slootman was highly recommended on Twitter X and Hacker News.

Frank Slootman was the CEO of a couple of high-profile companies that he took to IPO: Snowflake, Service Now, and Data Domain. In the book, he shares his management philosophy and supporting stories.

The main pillars are:

⠀ Common motifs that run through the stories are:

The advice on parting with people seems a bit cutthroat, but OTOH we know how demotivating it is to work in a team where some people are not contributing. Frank said for the Forbs article:

“When I was a younger man, I was more tolerant; I always thought I could coach people to a place where they would be great. And 99 times out of 100, you’re wrong on that, which is the reason I [now] pull triggers much faster. I still don’t think I’ve ever taken anybody out of a job too soon. It’s [always] been too late.

Src: The Outsider: How CEO-For-Hire Frank Slootman Turned Snowflake Into Software’s Biggest-Ever IPO

The themes in the book correspond nicely to some other books I’ve enjoyed:

Especially, the thoughts on serial execution, singular priority, and picking up the pace. Too often, the companies or teams fall into the trap of doing everything. It must be a great experience to work for a CEO who understands the value of focus, in an environment that encourages and rewards fast, impactful delivery.

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