Fun with docker networks


Tags: containers network

How to find out a container responsible for a given open port on a host.

Recently, I’ve debugged an issue with a server running multiple docker containers. They interact with each other by exposing TCP ports on the host and communicating over these ports.

In this post:

The story #

Let’s say we have the container exposing :32080 on the host:

$ docker run -d --name my-service-17 -p 32080:80 nginx

$ curl localhost:32080
<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>

We found out that my-service-4 reports this error in the logs:

ERROR Unexpected response from https://<container-host>:32080/_important

How do you tie it back to my-service-17? Easy, docker ps reports the published ports. You can do for example:

$ docker ps -a | grep 32080
abfa35be07f8        nginx                                                              "/docker-entrypoint.…"   7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes >80/tcp                                                                                                                                                                            my-service-17

At some point of the debug session, I looked for another port, say 32567. But docker ps -a | grep 32567 was empty – no results. To add insult to the injury there was indeed something on the other side:

$ curl localhost:32567
I'm here!

I was scratching my head. There are of course other tools in software engineers' 🧰, e.g. netstat or ss. We can find the PID of the process and then trace it back to its container:

$ sudo netstat -ntlp | grep ':32567'
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      884710/nginx: maste

# 884710 is the process PID

$ for i in $(docker ps -a -q); do docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}} {{.Name}}' $i | grep 884710; done
884710 /my-service-15

And we have the offender, it’s my-service-15 container.


My colleague pointed out another way to get from the container name from the PID is to use cgroups namespace, e.g.

$ grep -ri 884710 /sys/fs/cgroup 2>/dev/null

In that case a4e509ae2a0875153dce22362dd08aa1f026e2cd7684ff2bcbd355ba981bbe6b is our container.

$ docker inspect -f '{{.Name}}' a4e509ae2a0875153dce22362dd08aa1f026e2cd7684ff2bcbd355ba981bbe6b

Host network mode #

What is different about my-service-15 is that it runs with --network host, which means it doesn’t get its own network namespace. Network-wise it acts as a process running directly on the localhost.

At first, I was surprised that the port doesn’t show up in the docker ps overview, but it makes sense – the list of open ports is not static, so it would be quite hard for docker to track it. Plus there is the standard OS tooling.

Deep dive #

Docker containers using various network modes

The image shows docker containers running with various network modes. To have some fun and research the details of docker networking I’ve created igor-kupczynski/fun-with-docker-networks repo. I encourage you to check it out if you want to learn more!

Summary #

In the post, we’ve shown how to find a container responsible for a port on the host. We can do that regardless of the network mode of the container:

I’ve also created a igor-kupczynski/fun-with-docker-networks repo to dive deeper into the subject.

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