Make Me a Cluster


Tags: elastic

Easily provision an Elasticsearch cluster for fun, experimentation and profit.

If you followed my blog you may known than I’m responsible for changing my employer’s in-house search appliance to a new one backed by Elasticsearch. We had a huge data volume, even though we are not fully migrated to Elasticsearch yet. During our day to day operations we see a lot of interesting cases. I think we reached that point where reading documentation, news groups and blogs is simply not enough to explain everything we see in the trenches. I often feel a need to experiment with an Elasticsearch cluster.

I’ve created an ansible playbook to provision one. With the playbook, ut is a dead-easy task to provision the cluster in matter of minutes. I use vanilla Ubuntu 14.04 machines on digital ocean, but any other cloud provide will work.

Additionally, on 26.03.2015 I’ll conduct a workshop on Elasticsearch at Poznań University of Technology, i.e. my alma matter. In order to make it simple for students I’ve created a cluster which we can use on the workshop.

Details are posted on github. Fork me there :-) The Elasticsearch Ansible Playbook. README file describes how it works, what is the cluster architecture, what is missing to use it in production and finally, why ansible.

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